BizFed Alerts

Access urgent BizFed Alerts on actionable policy issues and real-time developments on issues supported or opposed by BizFed.

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Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Ensure region’s development isn’t harmed by Climate Action Plan

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed-sponsored housing bill advances out of committee

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Prop 1 passes with vital LA support

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Gondola project advances with BizFed support

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Empower voters to have a say on new taxes

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Support Dodger gondola project

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Transportation Commission gains business voice

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed takes legal action challenging climate disclosure laws

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: New funding & focus to curtail smash-and-grabs

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed condemns Hamas terrorism

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed logs 58% win rate this legislative sesion

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: 4 BizFed bills remain on Newsom’s desk after flurry of weekend action