BizFed Alerts

Access urgent BizFed Alerts on actionable policy issues and real-time developments on issues supported or opposed by BizFed.

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Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Stop bills that impede transportation upgrades

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Newsom’s $180B infrastructure plan includes CEQA shot clock

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Legislators shelve ‘housing killer’ bill

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Legislators shelve bill banning diesel trucks

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Union wants 250% pay for World Cup & Olympics

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Stop costly bill that dismantles Emissions Reduction Credits

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed leaders appointed to key L.A. city boards

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Speaker Rendon appoints BizFed leader to Delta Stewardship Council

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Diesel truck ban & legal options

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Job-killer warehouse ban dies in committee

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: CalMatters commentary amplifies new CEQA solutions

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed defends jobs ahead of zero-emission truck vote