BizFed Alerts

Access urgent BizFed Alerts on actionable policy issues and real-time developments on issues supported or opposed by BizFed.

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Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed leader appointed to South Coast AQMD Board

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Help reinstate $250M of disaster-proofing money

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: How BizFed is fighting to save al fresco dinin

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: What BizFed said about Mayor Bass’s first 100 days

ACTION ALERT: Support BizFed leader’s reappointment to Regional Planning Commission

APPLY NOW: Serve on Greenprint advisory committee

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Media digs deeper after BizFed calls out ideological retaliation

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: BizFed leader reappointed to CA Transportation Commission

Proud to amplify – and diversify – the voice of business

BizFed responds to LA Times story driven by ideological retaliation


BREAKING: BizFed leader Rachel Freeman appointed Deputy Mayor for Business & Economic Development

Remembering Rex Hime – a dear friend, partner, and leader