BizFed Alerts

Access urgent BizFed Alerts on actionable policy issues and real-time developments on issues supported or opposed by BizFed.

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Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: 4 BizFed bills remain on Newsom’s desk after flurry of weekend action

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: 10 BizFed bills need Newsom’s signature or veto

Victory Alert

🎉 VICTORY ALERT: Governor Newsom Vetoes SB 799

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: New California Coalition announces new leadership

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Urge Newsom to sign & veto housing, wage, energy bills

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed leaders call for impact study before next wage hike proposal

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: What business is saying about Newsom’s mental health plan

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: Supervisor Hahn withdraws minimum wage proposal

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Stop overnight 50% wage hike that threatens small businesses

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Oppose unemployment benefits for striking workers

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Amplify overlooked consequences of wage hikes

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed leads end-of-session advocacy trip to Sacramento