Victory Alert

VICTORY ALERT – SCAG Regional Council approves a 120 day extension!

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VICTORY ALERT - SCAG Regional Council approves a 120-day delay to 'ConnectSoCal'!

Today, SCAG's Regional Council unanimously approved (54-0-0) the staff recommendation for a 120-day delay to adopt the full 'Connect SoCal' plan.  This is the result of your letters and tweets to SCAG Regional Council leaders making a difference to protect projects that will create; vital jobs, needed housing supply, and transportation infrastructure solutions. SCAG President-elect, Rex Richardson articulated, "Adopting the resolution today provides us a path forward that protects our region's federally funded transportation projects and ensures our regional plan lays the groundwork for the economic stimulus our communities will need to recover from this pandemic"  The staff recommendation contained in the adopted resolution will allow SCAG to;
  • Move forward with the Regional Transportation Plan(RTP) component to obtain Federal Transportation dollars.
  • Pause approval of the Sustainable Communities Strategy(SCS) for up to 120 days.
  • Allows SCAG to identify and restore SCS projects that have already received local entitlements and correct inconsistencies with the SCS and locally approved general plans.
This victory is a win for the region as it shows the thoughtful collaboration with elected leaders and the business community. BizFed wants to give kudos to SCAG President Bill Jahn, Big Bear Lake Mayor, SCAG 1st Vice President Rex Richardson, Long Beach City Councilmember,  SCAG 2nd Vice President Clint Lorimore, Eastvale City Councilmember,  SCAG Immediate Past President Alan Wapner, Ontario Mayor Pro-Tem, and SCAG Executive Director Kome Ajise & COO Darin Chidsey for communicating with the business community during the last three weeks to listen to our comments.    We want to thank the following BizFed members for submitting your letters and or testifying in support of today's vote for the delay;

Southern California Leadership Council

BIA Southern California

Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles

Associated Building Contractors Southern California

Bell Gardens Chamber of Commerce

Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)

California Business Roundtable

California Retailers Association

Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition (CIAQC)

Culver City Chamber of Commerce

Engineering Contractors Association

Greater Antelope Valley Association of Realtors

Greater Los Angeles Association of Realtors

Inland Empire Economic Partnership

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)

Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce


Orange County Business Council

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce

Regional Black Chamber of Commerce - San Fernando Valley

Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

Santa Clarita Valley Chamber

Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation

Southern California Contractors Association

Southern California Partnership for Jobs

Torrance Area Chamber

A special thanks to our own BizFed CEQA Committee Co-Chair Jennifer Hernandez, Holland & Knight for her technical expertise and Ron Miller, Los Angeles/Orange County Building Trades for standing side by side with us.  
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