Vital policy issues

BizFed members define the alliance’s collective priorities – their diversity and expertise ensures strong, thoughtful and smart approaches on critical business issues.

Anti-Poverty, Workforce Development, Education

BizFed plays a unique role in bringing together employers and workforce development institutions to help ensure we are collectively meeting Southern California current and future…

Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Olympics

Tourism and entertainment are core sectors of the Southern California economy, and BizFed works to ensure the continued success of these sectors at creating jobs…

Energy & Environment

BizFed is highly engaged in a wide range of energy and environmental policy issues seeking to balance economic success and job creation with necessary environmental…

Goods Movement, Transportation, Mobility

The ability to quickly, efficiently, and flexibly move people and goods throughout our region is fundamental to our economic success and quality of life and…

Health Care & Life Sciences

BizFed gets involved with a wide range of health care and health care industry related issues. From educating our members on the details, rules, and…

Housing, Land Use, Real Estate, CEQA

BizFed has a strong track record of mobilizing diverse community stakeholders in support of housing and development projects that will have a major positive impact…

Regulatory Reform

BizFed members have consistently identified unnecessary regulations and inconsistent and onerous permitting requirements as barriers to economic success. Therefore, BizFed is engaged at all levels…

Responsible Governance

BizFed members support transparent, accountable government that makes smart, responsible, and efficient use of resources and technology. We leverage the expertise of our broad and…

Small Business & Employment

The breadth and diversity of membership organizations and top companies that comprise BizFed represent tens of thousands of small, women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses. BizFed…

Taxes & Fees

While BizFed members consistently identify the cumulative effects of multiple and often duplicative layers of taxes and fees as a major challenge to job creation…

Technology & Innovation

From the aerospace and aviation industry to Silicone Beach, Southern California has long been a national center for technology and innovation. From issues such a…


BizFed is actively involved in advancing policies and projects that expand access to safe, affordable water.