Did you wake up this morning to clean drinking water, a hot shower, and groceries in your fridge and pantry? That's because our freight rail sector is continuing to operate, making many of the daily necessities we take for granted possible.
The threatened rail strike that would have halted shipments of essential food, energy, and water supplies has been thwarted, thanks to the federal bill BizFed leaders fought to get across the finish line. We're thrilled to report the bill was signed into law on Friday by President Joe Biden.
This resolution also proves our nation's leaders can rise above party politics to unite behind sensible, bipartisan solutions that move all Americans – and the goods we need – forward.
We thank you for pushing Congress to act. Here are links to some of the impactful media statements, press releases, and advocacy letters that BizFed leaders in the transportation sphere empowered us to issue during the past few months.
Tracy Hernandez
BizFed Founding CEO