Action Alert

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Support 360 new housing units



We need you to speak up for a critically important project. The Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is set to consider the Royal Vista Residential Project this Wednesday, July 24 at 9 a.m. The proposed plan includes 200 single-family homes, 58 duplex homes, 30 triplex homes, and 72 townhomes. That means a total of 360 new for-sale housing units (including more than 80 affordable units for first-time homebuyers and workforce needs) are on the line.

BizFed was an early and enthusiastic supporter of this project in the San Gabriel Valley. It was proposed by the owners of the eastern section of the Royal Vista Golf Club, which is currently split between multiple landowners and has struggled to remain profitable. What could make more sense than rededicating portions of the land to badly needed housing, trails, and open space? If approved, the Royal Vista Residential Project would not affect the remainder of the golf course or the Royal Vista clubhouse.

Help us get this critical project over the finish line by speaking up NOW
and testifying before the Regional Planning Commission on Wednesday.


TAKE ACTION NOW: Click the link to quickly and easily add your name to our BizFed campaign. Please feel free to borrow and amplify our language on your own platforms.

TESTIFY IN PERSON: Speak up before the Regional Planning Commission. We need all hands on deck to ensure they forward a recommendation of approval to the Board of Supervisors.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 - 9:00 A.M.
320 W Temple St, Room 150
Los Angeles, CA 90012

TESTIFY VIRTUALLY: Speak up online or by phone if you can't make it in person to the Regional Planning Commission meeting.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 - 9:00 A.M.
Webinar ID: 858 6032 6429
Phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580