AB 1804 - Support bill to reduce CEQA lawsuit abuse for housing projects
BizFed supports AB 1804(Berman) because reducing the time for CEQA review for infill housing projects and extending the existing exemption boundary of infill urban housing to the unincorporated county will increasing the housing supply the state desperately needs. These exemptions will reduce CEQA lawsuit abuse which has been one of the causes of the state's housing crisis. Tell the Governor you support AB 1804!
Contact Catalina Hayes-Bautitsa, Deputy Leg. Secretary
cc: danimae.santiago@gov.ca.gov |
SB822 - Doesn’t further the protection of an open internet.
While having good intentions, SB 822 marks a departure from California's successful internet policy over the last decade. The Internet is vitally important to California’s economy and future job growth. Our vibrant and dynamic Internet ecosystem—responsible for millions of jobs and billions in economic growth—has become the envy of the world. Tell the Governor you OPPOSE SB 822!
Contact Tom Dyer, Chief Deputy Leg. Secretary
cc: danimae.santiago@gov.ca.gov |