BizFed Unites to Win Critical Investments for LA! See our 2016 Highlights...
"2016 has been a POWERFUL year! To all 164 Chambers, Trade Associations, Business Improvement Districts and each of our 115 investing members, collectively representing 325,000 employers who employ 3 million people, I'd like to humbly say thank you for sharing your expertise and time with BizFed this year! It takes many smart and dedicated leaders to strengthen the voice of business and fight for jobs, and each of you plays a major role in shaping the region we all wish to work in, live in, and play in!
We've compiled a few advocacy highlights from 2016, and as we look ahead to 2017, I invite each of you to enjoy your holiday season. May it be filled with love and light!"
-- BizFed Founding CEO, Tracy Hernandez
See an exciting sampling of our 2016 collective achievements at BizFed!
Protected Local Boards From Sacramento Overreach
SB 1387 would have shifted control away from local air quality regulators and given too much power to state appointees. At 11:53 p.m. on the final day of session, SB 1387 DIED thanks to our No on SB 1387 Coalition members calling/emailing all 80 CA Assemblymembers. Had it passed, the bill would have set a troubling precedent that threatened to unravel the fabric of local control in California.
Won Big Victories for LA County Transportation Funding
Shaped the details of Measure M and worked for it’s 2/3 victory on the November ballot. This $240 Billion measure will create 465,000 new jobs and help alleviate the traffic congestion cited by local employers as their #2 concern in 2016. Projects funded through Measure M will also benefit small local businesses.
Shaping Air Quality Regulations
BizFed has played an active role advocating for a 2016 Air Quality Management Plan that takes a balanced, thoughtful approach to achieving further air quality improvement in a manner that furthers economic growth. BizFed remains committed to working with our air quality regulators to ensure environmental requirements are met while also protecting and promoting job creation and economic success for Southern California.
Ensured Ballot Box Victories For Vital Education Investments
BizFed members threw their weight behind 3 successful ballot initiatives that funnel investment to our future workforce: Prop 51 ($9 billion statewide school bond), Measure CC ($3.3 billion construction bond for LA Community College District) and Measure P ($300 million school bond for Pomona Unified).
NextUp Business Forums tackled critical taxes, workforce development, and housing supply
BizFed’s educational complement, BizFed Institute, brought together hundreds of business and community leaders with diverse experts and elected officials in three major forums to build consensus and drive action on critical topics that affect California’s economy.
BizFed PAC backs jobs-friendly candidates, prepares for a busy 2017
In 2016, BizFed PAC endorsed 41 candidates in 17 cities & L.A. County, 29 of which were successful. The PAC conducted independent expenditure campaigns for 22 candidates across 8 cities & L.A. County. Of those, 15 were successful, showing a success rate of 68%. To date, the PAC has endorsed 197 candidates, resulting in 141 successful campaigns.
BizFed's impact was felt at the local, county, and state level in 2016!
Thank you to BizFed’s Outgoing and Incoming Leadership!
Special thanks goes to BizFed’s founder, David Fleming and our outgoing Chair, Gilbert Ivey for their excellent leadership in 2016. We're excited to welcome Mike Lewis as BizFed Chair in 2017 and are so grateful to our entire slate of 2016 Officers. The BizFed operation depends on your leadership, and each of you stepped up to the plate in a big way!
If you would like to see the full slate of incoming BizFed Officers, you can click here.
Happy holidays from team BizFed - see you in 2017!
And because we're always on the cutting edge, we invite you to see a full fledged visual "year in review" by watching our Mannequin Challenge video! Feel free to share and tag us @bizfed!