Victory Alert

VICTORY ALERT – BizFed Chair 2018 Hilary Norton confirmed to California Transportation Commission

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VICTORY ALERT - BizFed's Hilary Norton unanimously confirmed to the California Transportation Commission by the Senate Rules Committee Tuesday afternoon! On Tuesday, June 23rd, the California State Senate's Rules Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to confirm BizFed's Transportation Committee Co-Chair, Hilary Norton to the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Senator Patricia Bates provided the following closing remarks before her vote in support of Hilary: "I am very comfortable with your confirmation because I know you have a close connection with the issues and I believe that you will give each region in the state a real fair shot." One of the many important tasks the CTC handles is administering Gas Tax funding through the SB 1 program to complete the vital transportation infrastructure projects that will benefit our economy through safer streets, smoother roads, and more efficient goods movement corridors. From CTC Commissioner Hilary Norton;   "I look forward to carrying out an agenda for transformational mobility options, efficient project delivery, investment through new public-private partnerships, and support for an enhanced goods movement network in California." We thank the following BizFed member organizations who provided testimony at Tuesday's confirmation; Beverly Hills Chamber, LA Area Chamber of Commerce, Metro, Metrolink, and PointC.  These personal touches help make the difference to confirm Hilary to the CTC at the Senate Rules Committee.
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