BizFed Advocacy Engages: WIN on YTI Terminal Expansion!

After a grueling four-hour hearing, the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners this evening (11.7.14) voted unanimously to certify the Final EIR for the YTI Terminal Improvement Project! 

This is a critical step toward enhancing cargo handling capacity at the Port of Los Angeles.  With an imminent deadline to convey BizFed's grassroots alliance perspectice – Advocacy voted to support and act!

The full Board will vote Nov. 18 to ratify this action – but we are proud to have mobilized BizFed's massive and diverse grassroots alliance with lightning speed on short notice to help deliver this great win, which will pay tangible regional economic dividends.  Special thanks to the following BizFed members for their testimony and outreach:

  • Christine Aghassi, Dolphin Group
  • Yair Crane, Young Professionals in Energy
  • Tamara Gurney, Mission Valley Bank
  • Dan Hoffman, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
  • Weston LaBar, South Bay Chamber of Commerce
  • Marlee Lauffer, Newhall Land
  • Frank Lopez, LA Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Mary McCormick, National Association of Women Business Owners
  • Elise Swanson, San Pedro Chamber of Commerce
  • Victor Viereck, Univirsal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
  • Elizabeth Warren, FuturePorts

Stay tuned as this issue now moves to LA City Council.  In the meantime, congratulations to all on an important step forward.

Warm Regards,


Tracy Rafter, Founding CEO
BizFed, Los Angeles County Business Federation
818.429.0862 ~
A Grass Roots Alliance of 100 Top LA County Business Groups
Mobilizing Over 250,000 Businesses


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