BizFed Board Votes to Engage on Proposed City of LA Affordable Housing Linkage Fee

The proposed linkage fee will increase the cost of both residential and commercial construction of new buildings, including the expansion of current commercial buildings of 10,000 square feet or more, or 1,500 feet or more of residential, therefore penalizing even current homeowners or first-time homebuyers. It will also increase the cost of building housing, with […]

Aliso Canyon – letter opposing SB380 “blanket” regulatory actions

In a letter addressed to Mike Gatto, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce, BizFed expressed concern that SB 380 (Pavley) would unnecessarily reduce the reliability of natural gas needed for heating, cooking and water heating in addition to threatening the supply of natural gas needed to generate reliable electricity for businesses and residents […]

Sign on to RTP/SCS letter before SCAG’s full board meets on January 27

After months of deep engagement with the Southern California Assocation of Governments’ (SCAG) leadership on their Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy(RTP/SCS) BizFed commends SCAG on their attention to process and overall vision. Please review BizFed’s letter of support andcontact if you are interested in adding your logo to the letter. It will be presented to SCAG’s full board […]

BizFed Installs Officers for 2016

By HOWARD FINE Thursday, January 21, 2016 The Los Angeles County Business Federation, the umbrella group of local business organizations, has installed its new officers for 2016. The federation, commonly called BizFed, is an alliance of 155 business organizations in Los Angeles County representing 275,000 businesses that employ roughly 3 million people. It formed eight […]

BizFed Leadership Roundtable with Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez

On Friday, November 6, BizFed leaders met with Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations. Attendees learned that Asm. Gomez and Sen. Beall, Co-Chairs of Transportation Infrastructure Conference Committee, will ensure transportation funding bills get full floor votes this spring. Want to learn more? Click here for the full onesheet. Leadership roundtables are exclusive opportunities […]

BizFed recommends Short Term Rental principles to LA City Council

The BizFed Land Use, Housing, and Development Committee voted to recommend the following principles to guide the creation of a City of Los Angeles short-term rental ordinance: Local governments should collect Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) based on short-term rentals. Local governments should create simple processes to enable platforms to facilitate TOT collection if those platforms so […]

BizFed opposes nonsensical home zoning initiative in Arcadia

A ballot initiative is is currently circulating in the City of Arcadia that would limit the size of homes citywide. While BizFed has not taken a position on home size limits, this particular initiative is written in such a way that it would deem many existing homes as non-conforming, and in some instances un-insurable and […]

BizFed votes to oppose the proposed City of LA Parks Dedication and Fee Program

The City of Los Angeles released a proposed update of its parks fee ordinance (also known as the Quimby Ordinance.)  The draftordinance requires every new residential unit to pay a parks fee.  The draft ordinance would raise fees to $12,500 for subdivisions and $7,500 for all other units. Because the proposed fee increase will substantially […]