Measure A’s parks tax: good intentions, bad policy: Guest commentary

By Tracy Hernandez POSTED: 11/01/16, 4:50 PM PDT | UPDATED: 6 DAYS AGO Imagine if some thoughtful neighbors on your street organized a potluck, with everyone contributing a dish. How delightful, you think! But when you arrived at the party, it doesn’t seem so … delightful. It seems that by participating in this potluck, you’re […]
Measure M can thaw L.A. County’s glacial traffic: Guest commentary

By David Fleming and Gilbert Ivey POSTED: 10/28/16, 12:42 PM PDT | Without action, Los Angeles traffic is about to get a lot worse. More productive hours of the day will be wasted on jammed highways. The snail’s pace of delivering goods and services will continue to drive business away. The spirit of even the […]
BizFed Board Votes to Engage on Proposed City of LA Affordable Housing Linkage Fee

The proposed linkage fee will increase the cost of both residential and commercial construction of new buildings, including the expansion of current commercial buildings of 10,000 square feet or more, or 1,500 feet or more of residential, therefore penalizing even current homeowners or first-time homebuyers. It will also increase the cost of building housing, with […]
BizFed votes to support updating CA small-business definition and standards

California is mandated by Executive Order to meet a 25% small business goal. Currently, California State Departments have trouble meeting their small business goals with more than $92.54 billion in infrastructure projects in development. The BizFed board voted tosupport updating California’s Small Business Size Standard and support amending section 14837 of the government code relating to […]
Aliso Canyon – letter opposing SB380 “blanket” regulatory actions

In a letter addressed to Mike Gatto, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce, BizFed expressed concern that SB 380 (Pavley) would unnecessarily reduce the reliability of natural gas needed for heating, cooking and water heating in addition to threatening the supply of natural gas needed to generate reliable electricity for businesses and residents […]
BizFed opposes federal draft proposal governing short-term loans

BizFed voted to oppose the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposal to govern payday loans, title loans, deposit advance products, and some installment loans. If CFPB rules are implemented, regulated lenders will face increased operating costs, and an unsustainable decrease in revenue, which would force many to close their doors and lay off employees. Click here […]
It’s time to give the DWP a reboot

LA Times Op-ed by: Mickey Kantor and Austin Beutner, co-chairs of the independent commission LA2020. Its 2014 report “A Time for Action” made recommendations on how to achieve fiscal stability and job growth in Los Angeles, including an independent board to oversee DWP. February 15 , 2016 Every time you turn on a light or […]
Long Beach Chamber Of Commerce Seeks Wage Changes

By Randy Gordon Posted on Jan 29, 2016 After a lengthy discussion, our City Council voted 6 – 2 Jan. 19 to pass a minimum wage ordinance. Councilman Daryl Supernaw and Councilwoman Stacy Mungo were the two dissenters. Councilwoman Suzie Price had to leave the council meeting early for a family emergency. The action of […]