BizFed opposes nonsensical home zoning initiative in Arcadia

A ballot initiative is is currently circulating in the City of Arcadia that would limit the size of homes citywide. While BizFed has not taken a position on home size limits, this particular initiative is written in such a way that it would deem many existing homes as non-conforming, and in some instances un-insurable and […]
BizFed votes to oppose the proposed City of LA Parks Dedication and Fee Program

The City of Los Angeles released a proposed update of its parks fee ordinance (also known as the Quimby Ordinance.) The draftordinance requires every new residential unit to pay a parks fee. The draft ordinance would raise fees to $12,500 for subdivisions and $7,500 for all other units. Because the proposed fee increase will substantially […]
December 3 – LA Metro Board to Discuss Potential Ballot Measure

BizFed’s Potential Ballot Measure (PBM) Working Group held a call to discuss the next steps in shaping the PBM before the final framework is presented to the Metro Board. The working group is drafting a letter to urge Metro Board members to steer the measure in a direction that effectively meets our region’s transportation infrastructure needs […]
BizFed opposes Stop Blank Checks Initiative, supporting vital infrastructure projects in CA

The Stop Blank Checks Initiative, set for the November 2016 ballot, will require a statewide election every time the state, or a state-local partnership seeks to issue revenue bonds for major infrastructure projects exceeding $2 billion in cost. The BizFed Board decided that in a critical time for California, the Stop Blank Checks initiative would create an […]
BizFed outlines principles for LA City Street Vendor Ordinance
For more than two years, the City of Los Angeles has been working to create a permitting system for street vendors.BizFed had members requesting slightly different positions to drive the outcome of the ordinance. Ultimately, after much thoughtful deliberation, the BizFed Board voted to support an LA City Street Vendor Permit ordinance that: 1. Creates […]
BIZFED WIN: LA County Board unanimously approves Economic and Community Development Program
Yesterday, we asked you to act urgently to contact the LA County Board of Supervisors urging their support for the motion being offered today by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Solis to fund economic development activities in LA County. We’re pleased to report that, after extensive testimony that included many BizFed members, today the Board of Supervisors voted […]
BizFed delivers wins on supermajority of bills we worked in 2015!
Sunday was the deadline for Gov. Brown to act on bills coming out of this year’s state legislative session, and we are pleased to report that more than two-thirds of the bills BizFed mobilized either to support or oppose resulted in our desired outcome. Please see below for a full list of our bills and […]
BizFed CEO Tracy Rafter gives keynote address at 4th Annual California Asian Business Summit

CalAsian Chamber’s mission is to help grow and empower the API business community throughout California. Representing the interests of API businesses in the state, CalAsian Chamber is working to ensure these businesses are equipped with tools necessary to be successful and connect them with all opportunities available to help their businesses thrive, and grow California’s economy. See photo […]