BizFed supports extended deadline for Positive Train Control

Under the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008,railroads are required to implement Positive Train Control (PTC) by December 31. Despite ongoing efforts to implement PTC, most railroads have publicly stated that they will be forced to shut down large portions of rail service unless the deadline is extended. As a result, an extensive proportion of […]

BizFed delivers wins on supermajority of bills we worked in 2015!

Sunday was the deadline for Gov. Brown to act on bills coming out of this year’s state legislative session, and we are pleased to report that more than two-thirds of the bills BizFed mobilized either to support or oppose resulted in our desired outcome.  Please see below for a full list of our bills and […]

BizFed Advocacy Engages: WIN on YTI Terminal Expansion!

After a grueling four-hour hearing, the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners this evening (11.7.14) voted unanimously to certify the Final EIR for the YTI Terminal Improvement Project!  This is a critical step toward enhancing cargo handling capacity at the Port of Los Angeles.  With an imminent deadline to convey BizFed's grassroots alliance perspectice – Advocacy […]