Jeremy Harris

Long Beach Area Chamber
Leadership Position: Arts, Entertainment, Sports & Olympics Co-Chair
Leadership Committee Group: BizFed Officer

Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce (LBACC) Senior Vice President Jeremy Harris was appointed president of the Southern California Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (SCACCE) in 2016. SCACCE seeks to advance Southern California chamber management professionals and is managed by the statewide California Chamber of Commerce, according to the announcement. Harris has served the LBACC since 2013 as its senior vice president, taking charge of its public policy program and political action committee (PAC), as well as communications. He is also the staff liasion for the Long Beach Young Professionals and the Government Affairs Council. He also has his own firm, Harris Consulting, which he started in 2011. Previous experience includes President/CEO of Garden Grove Chamber and Vice President Chamber Advocacy.