
Your one-stop source for BizFed’s latest news, updates, alerts, and press releases related to issues impacting your business.

BizFed Alerts

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT – Speak Out on Fast-Moving and Key Housing Bills in Sacramento

Action Alert

The White House needs your input to shape the future of America’s AI policy

Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Oppose the Costly Restaurant Ordinance (CRO) Protect Local Restaurants and Jobs

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Media Mentions

The White House Needs Your Input to Shape the Future of America’s AI

The White House is seeking input on its AI Action Plan, and this is your chance to shape policies that impact innovation and business!  WHAT

BizFed sounds alarm on KTLA as ‘Measure H 2.0’ goes before voters

We need improvement before demanding more taxpayer dollars. Business leaders support homelessness solutions that deliver humane results.

‘American Dry Cleaner’ amplifies BizFed opposition to SCAQMD water heater rule

“It could easily run, at a minimum, $200,000. One dry cleaner told me it would be closer to $800,000 to retrofit and install,” said BizFed’s Sarah Wiltfong.

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BizFed Press Releases

BizFed announces new award recognizing public-private impact

BizFed will honor one exemplary business or civic leader each year with the award during its annual Freshman Policymakers Reception.

BizFed promotes Sarah Wiltfong to Chief Advocacy Officer

Sarah Wiltfong’s enhanced role will pump additional muscle and mettle into BizFed’s coalition-building and policy efforts across all sectors of industry and the economy.

BizFed calls for guardrails as sales tax hike for L.A. County homelessness goes before voters

BizFed released the following statement from Founding CEO Tracy Hernandez in response to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors vote to approve a motion

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