Statewide coalition tackles housing crisis

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (April 11, 2023) — Problem solvers are engaging policy makers with new, multi-pronged strategies to meet California’s housing needs and climate goals by lowering construction costs, reducing permitting complexity and creating incentives for local governments to sustainably achieve housing production targets.

The New California Coalition (NCC), a nonpartisan civic movement that advocates for common-sense solutions to the state’s most pressing livability challenges, unveiled its “10-Point Plan for Housing Affordability” this week following discussion with state leaders. Portions of the plan have been advanced for further discussion.

The document rebalances the responsibilities of state and local government in meeting housing goals and blueprints a path toward increasing California’s housing supply through 10 integrated steps. The proposals in NCC’s plan include capping locally imposed fees, eliminating lengthy environmental reviews for approved housing plans and permanently extending a law that limits excessive delay for housing project approvals. Implementation of the 10 proposals can be handled through legislation, regulation, proposition or all of the above.

“What’s different about our plan is that we’re tackling California’s three biggest housing production hurdles at once. Addressing them separately is like trying to do a Rubik’s cube one side at a time. We’ve mapped out a way to simultaneously lower price tags, shorten timelines and incentivize local governments,” said NCC Co-Leader Tracy Hernandez, who also serves as Founding CEO of BizFed.

“Three of our 10 proposals help advance housing projects stalled by overreach of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Enough talk about the dangers of CEQA weaponization and the need for sensible reform. It’s time for action,” said NCC Co-Leader Jim Wunderman.

“We convened a group of diverse experts from up and down the state to craft these proposals. They reflect our shared commitment to ushering in an era where every California family has the opportunity to own a home, build wealth and achieve economic security,” said Robert Apodaca, co-founder and executive director of The Two Hundred for Home Ownership and a member of NCC’s Housing Task Force.

“To achieve the governor’s goal of creating 2.5 million more housing units by 2030, all 10 steps must be implemented,” said Lucy Dunn, former director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development and a member of NCC’s Housing Task Force.