BizFed recommends Short Term Rental principles to LA City Council

The BizFed Land Use, Housing, and Development Committee voted to recommend the following principles to guide the creation of a City of Los Angeles short-term rental ordinance:

  • Local governments should collect Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) based on short-term rentals.
  • Local governments should create simple processes to enable platforms to facilitate TOT collection if those platforms so desire.
  • Local governments should create a reasonable, convenient, affordable registration system for hosts/owners.
  • Any registration and TOT collection system should apply to all short term rentals.
  • Any registration fees should pay for ordinance enforcement.
  • Local governments may prohibit short-term rental of multifamily properties as de-facto hotels.
  • We recommend that the city examine existing systems, funding, and best practices to enhance nuisance abatement processes.
  • The above does not preclude BizFed taking a future positionon allowing short-term rentals outside of primary residences, such as vacation homes and secondary homes.
  • Click here for LA City Short Term Rentals Board Materials 
  • Click here for BizFed Letter 

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