Now that we've defeated SB 799, which would have extended unemployment insurance benefits to striking workers, we need you to help us ramp up advocacy efforts for the remaining 10 BizFed bills on Governor Gavin Newsom's desk. His deadline to sign or veto is October 14, meaning we have one week to ensure the voice of business is heard on these bills. Speak up today to protect jobs and our economy. We're currently logging a 62% legislative win rate this session. Can we boost that figure?
BizFed-supported bills to sign
- AB 376 (Villapudua): Student financial aid for Cal Grant C driver training programs.
- AB 965 (Carrillo): Local broadband batch permitting.
- AB 1217 (Gabriel): Business pandemic relief.
- SB 4 (Wiener): "Yes in God's backyard" housing production on religious and higher education land.
BizFed-opposed bills to veto
- AB 1048 (Wicks): Dental benefits and rate review.
- AB 1614 (Gabriel): Phaseout of gas stations.
- SB 253 (Wiener): Corporate greenhouse gas emissions reporting.
- SB 261 (Stern): Climate-related financial risk reporting.
- SB 389 (Allen): State Water Resources Control Board investigation of water rights.
- SB 525 (Durazo): Health care minimum wage hike.
Submit your advocacy letters ASAP to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov. Newsom prefers letters formatted in 12-point Century Gothic font due to his dyslexia.
- AB 6 (Friedman): Regional transportation plans for congested corridors. Oppose.
- AB 7 (Friedman): Project selection for transportation planning. Oppose.
- AB 9 (Muratsuchi): Market-baed compliance mechanism for emissions reduction. Oppose.
- AB 68 (Ward): Streamlined housing approvals. Oppose.
- AB 236 (Holden): Provider directories for health care coverage. Oppose.
- AB 316 (Aguiar-Curry): Human safety operators in self-driving vehicles. Oppose.
- AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan): Interim relief procedures for water rights. Oppose.
- AB 627 (Jackson): Operating requirements for heavy-duty trucks. Oppose.
- AB 650 (Arambula): San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District board. Oppose.
- AB 985 (Arambula): San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District emissions reduction credit system. Oppose.
- AB 1000 (Reyes): Warehouse restrictions. Oppose.
- AB 1333 (Ward): Residential real estate bundling. Oppose.
- AB 1337 (Wicks): Water diversion curtailment. Oppose.
- ACA 6 (Haney): University of California labor standards. Oppose.
- SB 12 (Stern): Emissions limits. Oppose.
- SB 41 (Cortese): Airline meal and rest breaks. Support.
- SB 220 (Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee): Minimum franchise tax. Oppose.
- SB 252 (Gonzalez): Fossil fuels divestment. Oppose.
- SB 466 (Wahab): Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act rates. Oppose.
- SB 556 (Gonzalez): Civil liability for oil and gas wells. Oppose.
- SB 571 (Allen): Emergency preparedness for development sites. Oppose.
- SB 584 (Limón): Short-Term Rental Tax Law for workforce housing. Oppose.
- SB 674 (Gonzalez): Fence-line monitoring systems for refineries. Oppose.
- SB 799 (Portantino): Unemployment benefits for striking workers. Oppose.
- SB 849 (Stern): Ports emissions reduction. Oppose.
- SCA 7 (Umberg): Workers' rights to organize and negotiate. Oppose.
- AB 52 (Grayson): Manufacturing income tax credit. Support.
- AB 717 (Villapudua): Living trust education. Support.
- AB 838 (Connolly): California Water Affordability and Infrastructure Transparency Act. Support.
- AB 914 (Friedman): CEQA streamlining for electrical infrastructure. Support.
- AB 1228 (Holden): Fast Food Council. Oppose.
- AB 1505 (Rodriguez): Seismic retrofitting. Support.
- AB 1708 (Muratsuchi): Proposition 47 amendment to prevent retail theft. Support.
- ACA 13 (Ward): Voting thresholds. Oppose.
- SB 301 (Portantino): Vehicular air pollution. Support.
- SB 316 (Niello): Increased penalties for retail theft. Support.
- SB 366 (Caballero): Long-term water supply targets. Support.
- SB 430 (Dodd): Tied-house exceptions for advertising. Support.
- SB 553 (Cortese): Workplace violence rules. Oppose.
- SB 581 (Caballero): Third-party litigation financing. Support.
- SB 585 (Niello): Statutory damages for construction-related claims. Support.
- SB 767 (Rubio): Mandatory kindergarten. Support.
Please contact sarah.wiltfong@bizfed.org with questions.
Tracy Hernandez
BizFed Founding CEO