I am reaching out to you to give an update and overview related to our mobilization regarding the Los Angeles County Safe, Clean Water Program and BizFed’s Sponsored SB 1133 (Portantino).
Los Angeles County’s Safe Clean Water Program and Stromwater Parcel Tax Measure
As you know the County of Los Angeles is in midst of preparing their Safe, Clean Water Program and accompanying Stormwater Parcel Tax measure that will be on this November's ballot. The County is hoping to propose a measure that will tax property owners 2.5-4 cents per square foot of impermeable area that will raise between $300-$400 million annually for water quality, water supply, and community investment programs.
As stormwater is at the heart of BizFed’s water concerns, we have and will continue to be an active partner serving on the County’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee to bring about the right ballot measure and program, which will be paid by a clear majority of our membership.
BizFed partnering with local cities, water agencies and other non-profit organizations, we have built a diverse coalition that maximizes our voice. More recently, BizFed has partnered with The Water Foundation, a non-profit organization aimed at fixing California water issues, to put forth a program that benefits all equally.
Below are the most recent documents that we have received or submitted to each County Supervisor on our membership's behalf, regarding to the Safe, Clean Water Program:
Safe Clean Water Program Straw-man Proposal – Draft 1
BizFed Coalition Letter Submitted on 5/11
The Water Foundation/BizFed Agreed Principles
The Water Foundation Presentation - 5/15 BizFed Board Meeting
What’s Next:
The County has limited time to propose a program and ballot measure the business community can support. Their objective is to go before the Board of Supervisors on June 26th. Given this small window, below is a timeline of meetings already confirmed.
- 5/17 – Internal BizFed Poll Briefing by the County of Los Angeles
- 5/22 – Internal BizFed meeting with County Key Representatives
- 5/23 – SCWP Straw-man Proposal Draft 2 Released
- 5/30 – SCWP Stakeholder Advisory Committee
- 6/6 – BizFed Full Water Committee Meeting with County of Los Angeles
- 6/26 – SCWP and Measure Presented to the Board of Supervisor for Final Vote
BizFed's Sponsored Bill SB 1133 (Portantino)
We Still Need Your Logo to Maximize Our Voice! Sign on to Our Coalition Letter Today!
Great News! We Have Cleared the Senate Floor and Headed to the Assembly!
The need to update the Basin Plan is critical to managing the costs of stormwater management which the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works estimates will cost $20 billion countywide. By updating our basin, the cost to meet compliance can drastically be reduced, ultimately reducing the cost that would be pushed on Cities and the business community. As the County is pushing for their Safe, Clean Water Program, a parcel tax, this bill would allow funding to be allocated from this program to update the basin plan, without putting additional burdens on City’s and the business community.
What Does SB 1133 Do?
SB 1133 would do one simple thing, it would give the Regional Water Quality Control Board authority to accept funding from permittees for the purpose of updating our regions basin plan.
SB 1133 Bill Text
BizFed SB 1133 Coalition Letter
De'Andre Valencia |